Giving It Up

We had some friends staying at our house last week, and somewhere or somehow, amidst the fudge and carrot cake and pumpkin bars and cookies that seemed to be floating around the house that day, the subject of sugar came up. Our friends are a pretty healthy lot and they are planning to do away with everything sugar after the New Year. Jenelle is also a bit of a health nut and so she was quick to join in. And then all of a sudden there was this peer pressure going on that seemed to be aimed at me. We often think it only applies to teenagers and so we warn our kids, “watch out for peer pressure” or “be true to yourself and don't just do what everyone else does and thinks.” But it applies to all of us. We agree a little bit or give in a little and before we know it, good or bad, our peers have helped us to make a choice that maybe we hadn't even considered before.  And that's where I found myself. In all the hemming and hawing, somehow my lot was cast. I would be joining in on some sort of a sugar fast.

Sugar is good! Or maybe I should say that sugar tastes good. Even though I still have a sweet tooth, as I've gotten older, I like less sugar than I once did. I used to like that super thick icing on cinnamon rolls. You know, the maple kind that almost grinds between your teeth because of all of the brown sugar that gets mixed in. Or those crispy cream  “sugar filling of sorts” donuts. Anymore, I'm more of a “less sugary donut” kind of guy. Dunkin donuts original without icing dunked in coffee, now that's hard to beat.

But after a family get-together or for that matter, anywhere where there are lots of sweets floating around, afterwards I tend to feel sluggish and a bit blah and don't seem to have any energy. And that probably has more to do with eating too many sweets than just being around them. And so succumbing to a little peer pressure will probably turn out to be a benefit for me.

We only get one body to get us through this life. It's a bit like a truck or a car except that you can never buy a new one. So we better learn how to take care of it. I don't expect mine to last forever but while I'm in it I'd like for it to be able to do certain things, like hike and hunt and to be able to go up and down rugged mountains and canoe and sleep outside. Looking back in life, there are those times that I wish I had taken better care of  myself, especially my knees, my back and my hearing. Since we all have different things we like to do and we were meant to do, we probably all have different diets and workouts and specific shapes and levels of fitness that we need to attain. Even though we're all different, we still have commonalities. Just like our cars, we all need to look after the oil and gas that goes into our bodies. If you're a young, two stroke type whippersnapper, you can probably get by with running a little rich or a little lean, but as you get older and a little more worn, you need to be a bit more precise and intentional about keeping the balance just right. Of course it's too late to start over but we can still take care of what we have left.

The goal is that the motor and all of the other parts all give out at the same time, but not to soon. As we get older, one thing or another happens along the way that gets us to thinking this way. For me it was back pain and a numb toe. It would be easy to point at a blown disc and back surgery and to say oh well I just can't climb around the mountains and hunt like I used to. But I started doing a low impact stretching routine of Pilates with Jenelle and it didn't take long at all to realize, that I can still do lots of adventuresome things if I stay flexible.

I have to admit that I'm not looking forward to this sugar fast, and I'll probably be dipping into the maple syrup and honey jar more than I should. But I am hoping to gain something from the ordeal. I'm a skinny guy and don't need to worry about my weight, but maybe I will realize a whole new level of energy. And then I'll say that the conversation about sugar was a good thing and hopefully I will make some lifestyle changes that allow me to feel energetic all of the time.

I have to admit, I just don't do good with peer pressure.

I don't like to give it either. So I won't put any pressure on you all to try a sugar fast or anything else for that matter. But I do hope that you have a healthy New Year! And sometimes that means doing things that you don't like. 

In the meantime, if a conversation about coffee comes up and it looks like I'm outnumbered, I hope no one takes offense. I'll probably just leave the room!


Bringing Life

